Annerley Community Service
Annerley Community Service delivers community development programs in Annerley and surrounding suburbs.
We aim to build strong and active communities through connecting people, supporting and resourcing community projects.
Annerley Community Service supports local residents, community groups, organisations and businesses to undertake community initiatives, projects and events.
We offer a range of programs to create strong and active communities including:
- Information and referral services
- Coordinating community festivals and markets
- Supporting community-led projects
- Supporting and promoting groups such as Annerley-Stephens History Group, Annerley Junction Traders Association, Annerley Community English Classes, Junction Fest and Community Connections and Belonging Project.
Got a great idea that will benefit the community? Contact us to see how we can support you to strengthen connections in your local community.
Annerley Community Service is a community development program in Annerley and surrounding suburbs. We aim to build strong and active communities through connecting people and initiating, supporting and resourcing community projects and activities.
Some of our current activities and projects include:
- Information & referral
- Coordinating community festivals and markets
- Supporting community-led projects
- Supporting and promoting groups such as Annerley-Stephens History Group, Annerley Junction Traders Association, Annerley Community English Classes and the Junction Yarn Jammers
Got a great idea that will benefit the community?
Contact us to see how we can support you to strengthen connections in your local community.
Established in 2012, Annerley Community Service is part of the broader organisation of Community Plus+. We are a not-for-profit which also includes West End Community House and Yeronga Community Centre.
There are many ways to get involved in the local community.
Be part of creating a welcoming atmosphere for others by attending community events and activities – such as the Junction Yarn Jammers and other events advertised in the Annerley Connection.
You can join the Annerley History Group, learn more about local history through interviewing local people and help us to create a Walking Tour of Annerley!
Or try your hand volunteering your time at one of the many local Op Shops run by charities.
Donate second-hand books to the Annerley Community Bookshop or volunteer at this unique community owned and operated bookstore! Contact Paul Hodges on (07) 3892 5050, or visit the shop at 478 Ipswich Rd, Annerley.
Queensland Braille Writing Association is looking for volunteers, especially those with a background in braille transcription, teaching, administration, IT or general handy-person skills. Call (07) 3848 5257, or drop in and introduce yourself at 507 Ipswich Road, Annerley.
There are many excellent community resources in Annerley. See our Community Resources Guide here [2016]
Here are more that may be of interest.
Annerley Community Bookshop
This unique not-for-profit, community owned and operated bookstore is staffed almost entirely by volunteers! Drop in to browse their extensive book collection and spend some time in their comfortable lounges meeting other locals. It’s open 7 days.
Where: 478 Ipswich Road, Annerley
Phone: 3892 5050
Annerley Community English (ACE) classes
Twice a week, community volunteers meet with refugees, migrants and international students to teach English and share cups of tea, laughter and friendship. ACE is co-ordinated by the Annerley Baptist Church with the assistance of Annerley Community Bookshop, Annerley Community Service and community volunteers. New volunteers are always appreciated!
Where: Downstairs at Centrelife, Annerley Baptist Church, 556 Ipswich Road, Annerley
When: Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm
Cost: Free, although donations of milk, tea and coffee are appreciated
Contact: Lynne –
Annerley Library
Much more than books! The friendly team at Annerley Library host a variety of exciting events and classes, including children’s activities, English conversation classes and a monthly book club. There is also free computer and wi-fi internet access.
Where: 450 Ipswich Road, Annerley
Phone: 3403 1735
Community Plus+ Annerley Community Resource Guide (2016)
This booklet, published by Community Plus+, outlines a number of community resources and organisations that may be of assistance.
Junction Yarn Jammers
A small group of both new and experienced knitters gather in the comfortable lounges of the Bookshop to meet, stitch and plot! All welcome, no experience necessary.
Where: Annerley Community Bookshop, 478 Ipswich Road, Annerley
When: First and third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm
Cost: Gold coin donation appreciated, bring a snack to share if possible
Pantry Assist at Church of Christ (Annerley)
Pantry Assist provides food parcels to struggling families and individuals. Items available include cereal, lunchbox fillers, longlife milk, tin soups and fresh vegetables, fruit and bread. Food products and availability vary from week to week. A small fee is charged per item to cover costs.
Where: 459 Annerley Road, Annerley
When: Tuesdays, 10:00am-12:00pm
Phone: Lyn – 0431 895 842
Queensland Braille Writing Association (QBWA)
QBWA’s worthy mission is to “to provide Braille and Moon tuition and reading material to empower people who are blind or who have low vision to live with dignity and independence”.
Where: 507 Ipswich Road, Annerley
Phone: 3848 5257
Romero Centre
Romero Centre acts as a client advocacy centre for refugees and asylum seekers and aims to educate the community about refugee and asylum seeker issues and experiences.
Where: 20 Dutton Street, Dutton Park
Phone: 3013 0100
Women’s Legal Service Qld
Women’s Legal Service Qld assists women with domestic violence and family law – free of charge. There are evening legal advice services and a legal advice telephone line.
Where: 387 Ipswich Road, Annerley
Phone: 3392 0670 (Legal Advice Line) or 3392 0658 (Administration)
Elected Representatives
Federal: The Hon Graham Perrett MP (Moreton electorate)
State: The Hon Mark Bailey MP (Yeerongpilly electorate)
Local: Cr Ian McKenzie MP (Coorparoo ward); Cr Nicole Johnston MP (Tennyson ward)
Contact Annerley Community Service
Shop 12/478 Ipswich Road, Annerley, 4103
We are open three mornings a week
When: 8:00am – 12:00pm Monday – Thursday
Cost: Free, donations welcome.